Sunday, May 18, 2014

Kale Avocado Salad with Smoked Paprika Vinaigrette | Secret Recipe Club

Lately it is feeling a lot like summer in the Bay Area.  Quite frankly it suits me just fine.  Last weekend hubby and I dusted off the patio cushions and set the backyard in motion for the season.  This meant the furniture was hosed off, the patio was wiped clean of leaves and other debris along with making sure the outdoor BBQ was ready to get a workout all summer long.  One of the most relaxing activities I enjoy is coming home from a long day at work and enjoying a glass of wine outside with my hubby.  The sound of the water dropping into the fountain and the warm summer air just sets the scene for perfection.

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Summer also means an abundance of salads will be made in my kitchen.  With the farmers markets gearing up for peak season, the profusion of choices is great.  This weekend I picked up a couple bunches of Tuscan kale, fresh fennel, cherry tomatoes, red onions and multi colored carrots.  I knew exactly what I was going to do with all of these delightful and fresh vegetables – it was time for a terrific salad.  I gained my inspiration for this salad from my Secret Recipe Club match – Brittany at We Heart Vegan.

Brittany earned her degree in Food and Nutrition and is passionate about a plant based diet. She became inspired about this lifestyle when she took a class at the university titled “Chronic Diseases” and was quickly educated what animal products do to our bodies.  She thought why not try it and change her eating habits to hopefully prevent any diseases that might be caused by the way she ate.  Although I am not a vegetarian or vegan, I can appreciate people’s choice to live that lifestyle and see the benefits.  I have found myself over the last few years not eating as much meat and not missing it - although, truth be told, I do enjoy a petit filet from Ruth Chris on my birthday each year.

After browsing through her blog, it became quite clear I needed to make her Kale Avocado Salad.  I am a kale fanatic and try to eat it at least once a week.  With my goodies from the farmer’s market in toe, I thought I would kick up her version with a few more veggies added to the mix and altered the dressing to suit my taste buds.  I also had the opportunity to utilize my mandolin and cut the veggies in an uber thin fashion.  To add a bit of crunch I tossed on some pepitas seeds.  Thank you Brittany for the inspiration and recipe!

Kale Avocado Salad with Smoked Paprika Vinaigrette


8 Cups Tuscan Kale, torn and loosely packed
1 Large Avocado, shell removed and diced
3 Radishes
2 Large Carrots, one orange and one purple
½ Fennel Bulb
½ Large Red Onion
¾ Cup Cherry Tomatoes cut in half
2/3 Cup Pepitas Seeds

In a large bowl add the torn kale.  Use a mandolin to slice the radishes, carrots, red onion and fennel.  Add to the bowl.  Then add the cherry tomato halves and diced avocado.  Add the dressing and toss gently.  Let sit for 10 minutes and then garnish with the pepitas seeds and serve.

Smoked Paprika Vinaigrette

7 Tablespoons Olive Oil
5 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
½ teaspoon Smoked Paprika
½ teaspoon Garlic Powder
¼ teaspoon Salt
8 Grinds Fresh Ground Pepper
1 Tablespoon Honey
½ teaspoon Dijon Mustard

Add all of the above ingredients to a mason jar and shake really well.  Let sit 15 minutes to let the flavors develop.



  1. Oh my gosh, that sounds/looks amazing! I really like the sound of that vinaigrette!

  2. I love recipes like this, loaded full of veggies! The smoked paprika vinaigrette sounds super unique as well!

  3. What a beautiful, colorful, summer salad. Yum!

  4. Love all the flavors listed for that vinaigrette

  5. I wish I had this salad for lunch, love the paprika vinaigrette!

  6. What a beautiful, colorful salad... I could eat the entire salad by myself!

  7. That vinaigrette sounds delicious (as does this salad)!

  8. that vinaigrette is calling my name! Actually shouting my name! It looks great and perfect for anything not just salads!

  9. Love this salad!! So simple and so impressive:-) can hardly wait!

  10. How beautiful! This will be perfect for me because I just started my CSA share this week and will be receiving many of those salad ingredients in weeks to come :)

  11. this looks so good and great use of smoked paprika

  12. Looks like a delicious salad Lisa. Looks like you're eating the colors of the rainbow! Love it!


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